Dress Profesh
This project originally started as a way for me to keep myself accountable with my writing while I’m on fellowship (and mostly working from home) during the last semester of my PhD. The idea was to post one “what I wore today” picture every day that I “work”—in whatever form that takes.
"Professional" (or "profesh") can be performed in a myriad of ways, and the Tumblr quickly became a gallery. The goal of this gallery is to showcase images of the various ways that people (regardless of industry) dress “professionally.” Ultimately, I hope that this gallery will reveal that “professional” is not a monolithic idea—and that the idea of “professional dress,” like any dress code, is inherently racist, sexist, abelist, sizeist, etc. To submit a picture of how you dress profesh, click on the “Submit a Photo" link. Also, check out the "Resources & Press" page for more information about dress codes, body positivity, and visibility activism. |